Sunday, August 21, 2011

Orange/Lemon/Lime Marmalade

· 3 limes
· 3 lemons

· 3 oranges Seville
· 4 1/2 cups Sugar

1. Scrub and clean the fruit. Peel the fruit as if for eating and then cut the peel into thin strips, removing any excess pith. Cut the flesh into chunks.

2. Place the peel in a preserving pan, add 2 cups of water and bring to the boil. Reduce to a gentle simmer for 30 mins.

3. Remove the pan from the heat, add the sugar and flesh of fruit and stir until sugar is dissolved. Return the pan to the heat and bring to the boil. Boil gently for 35 minutes

4.Add certo one pkg.

5. Stir well then pour into warmed sterilized jars and put into canner process for 5 minutes.

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